

Studying abroad at Mount Union is a wonderful opportunity to expand your horizons and interact with people of different cultures. The planning stages outlined below will help you have the best study abroad experience possible. We recommend that you begin this process at least one year prior to the semester you plan on studying abroad. The Center for Global Education is here to assist you along the way and ensure you have a safe and fulfilling study abroad experience. 如果你考虑出国留学, be sure to attend a study abroad information session and make an appointment to meet with the Center for Global Education staff to go over the process and any questions you might have.



Meet the Center for Global Education staff to learn all about the various study abroad opportunities available to you.  C联系J珍妮弗大厅, 全球教育总监道恩·亚当斯, 国际学生服务中心主任 globaled@subastabitcoin.com


Studying abroad is an excellent opportunity to enhance your education in any field of study. Talk with your academic advisor as early as possible to fit it into your academic plan.


完成Mount Union 留学申请 在截止日期前确保你的资格.


Make sure you apply to the specific USAC or direct exchange program 你感兴趣的是.


如果你没有 护照,请确保您按照步骤获得一个. If you do, make sure it is up-to-date and renew it if you need to. 


研究 签证要求, 还有其他你可能需要知道的信息, 你要去的国家. 

International students: make sure your 签证 and other documents are in order

If you are not from the United States but are traveling abroad, make sure your 签证 and other travel documents are in order before you go abroad. 



与适当的人(你的家人)交谈, CGE董事, and study abroad program directors) to discuss financial aid options. 有 奖学金、助学金和其他资助机会 可供希望出国留学的学生使用.


在美国国务院注册 步计划 to be notified of any safety and security information about the country to which you will be traveling. 



Make sure you visit your doctor and get all the proper vaccinations and discuss any medicines/prescriptions you will need while abroad. 欲威尼斯人app下载有关国外健康的信息,请访问 疾病控制中心 or 世界卫生组织.


Studying abroad is full of fun and exciting opportunities; be sure to budget wisely.




Be sure to complete all pre-departure documentation needed for your study abroad program.

研究 and reserve flights and arrange transportation to host site

Confirm your flight and transportation arrangements to your host city.

应用 for 签证 (if applicable), and be sure to know the timeframe of host country’s 签证 application 申请截止日期.

申请 签证 if you need one and make sure you apply before the deadlines. 



联系J珍妮弗大厅, 全球教育总监道恩·亚当斯, 国际学生服务中心主任 globaled@subastabitcoin.com 有关出发前的指引资料. 


Call your credit card company to let them know you will be abroad and make sure your card will not expire or be placed on hold for "suspicious charges" when it is used in another country.


研究 the cultural practices and customs of the country to which you will be traveling. 这样做会让你的过渡更顺利.


Staying in touch with friends and family back home is important. 因为每个国家都不一样, make sure you research how you will access internet and cell service and which apps will be viable in your host country.

Prepare a small travel file to hold your important documents

Prepare a file to contain all of your important documents to carry with you wherever you travel, 包括你的 护照及签证.

Confirm travel itinerary and arrival transportation arrangements

仔细检查你所有的旅行安排, 包括你的 transportation to and from the airports and your flight number and time. Budget extra time to arrive early at the airport, especially for international flights.


Pack for the weather of the country to which you will be traveling. Do not overpack; remember, you can always buy things when you get to your host country if need be. 

Put all prescription medication/doctor authorization letter in your carry-on bag

Make sure you have a doctor's note for any prescription medications in your carry-on bag. 不同的国家对预知有不同的法律, so do your research and be prepared to produce your medical documentation if necessary.

Arrive at airport at least TWO hours before your departure time

Arrive to the airport at least two hours before your departure, maybe more, depending on the airport. Budget extra time for traffic, security, a meal, and any hiccups that may arise.

Let your family and CGE know you have arrived safely at your program site

Once you have arrived in your host country, notify your family and J珍妮弗大厅, 全球教育总监道恩·亚当斯, 国际学生服务中心主任 globaled@subastabitcoin.com 祝你平安抵达.